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I've been having a lot of difficulty downloading the pack on Linux. Is there a specific distro that you had in mind when coding? I use Mint, which afaik is an offshoot of Ubuntu


I've actually tested it on Mint if I remember correctly. Apologies for the hassle, what kind of issues are you having?

The debug is just simply not pulling up any of the package, so it refuses to actually download anything. Idk how I'd go about fixing that

If I understand correctly you're having issues with the installer which I sadly cannot help with since the framework I use handles all of that itself.


is there/will there be a guide/walk through for the game as id like to read about the options i didnt pick, also amazing game


Currently there isn't really a guide, mostly since there's not that much content that needs guidance. Down the line though, my idea is to make the Chapters menu be the only guide that you need. Thanks for the kind words! :)


Hey, this version is fun and the concept and game is interesting. However, your patreon is non longer accepting new members. Just wanted to let you know. Looking forward to new updates.


Heyhey, thanks so much for the kind words! My Patreon is indeed paused, it's because the new update has taken me longer than I initially announced, hence why I've paused it. If you wish to still support me, you are more than welcome to leave a tip on this page itself. Appreciate it! :)


is there an expected release date for update?


I'm still working on it, sorry. I admittedly gave myself a little too big of a task, which is why it's taking so long.


And most importantly, will you have red-haired girls in the game?


The next version will include one red haired girl. There's a teaser in my Discord server if you wish to see.


It's just that I myself adore red-haired girls, the most beautiful hair color.


Can I ask you a question? How many girls are there in the game that we can date and change their appearance? It's just that if there are only three of them, it's somehow not enough.


In the current version there's only three, yes. In the next version there will be 8 more character that get transformed or will have their story set up to be. :)


I really like your game, because it is wildly interesting! It is simple in its own way, but at the same time extremely thoughtful!


Will we be able to change our main characters apperance and stats? Loving that we can change the girls but having the hyper male body and control over it to match would be epic.


Adjusting the main character will more or less be part of the "Take advantage" path. :)

The lighting generally feels dark, some scenes are difficult to see clearly. The dark theme might break the mood sometimes.

One of the best transformation eroges.

You're not wrong, when I made the current renders they looked fine on my end and I didn't think much about other monitors being darker than mine. I do think I've improved on that part, hopefully.

Very honored for the commendation, thanks so much!

Sorry to mention a different game but I was wondering if this game has animations like Fattening Career or is the game strictly images?

That's alright, there are animations, though only for the character growths at the moment. :)


I really enjoyed this game and look forward for an android version in the future. Also will there be and option for the girls to stuff themselves but not gain weight, just grow beautiful round bellys?


Thanks, really glad you enjoyed! There unfortunately won't be an option to solely have the stuffing. I'm very much a fan of the latter so it will almost always be a part of it.


i have 2 questions.

A) is there any more wg scenes beyond the opening 

B) is there a way to use the developer menu to insert items or money into my character and how?


In the current version there are unfortunately no more weight gain scenes other than the one in the intro. The next update will have several more though.

As for your second question, I've improved on that menu and made it a lot easier to use. For now though you can cheat in money if you set the function to "gd.set", the path to "$" and the value to the amount you want. (Obviously removing the quotation marks)

Hope that makes sense. :)

Will there be a port for Android, or is there a way to play on Android?

Eventually, yes. I've had some progress on making it run on Android but there's still some upstream issues I'm waiting on before I can really work on it. Hope you understand. :)




No not at all, it's unfortunately just taking a while.


Hi Mecha, looking for some advice. After heading through the romance story, I only get 1 expansion scene with Jade (in her apartment) and 1 with Rénee (at the beach). Is there anything I can do to get the other scenes. Many thanks 👍


Heyhey, unfortunately that is where the content ends for the current version, sorry! The next update will add 2 more growth stages for both of them along with other content! Feel free to check out my Discord for the full roadmap. :)

Excuse me, I try to join in your discord, but when I click Get Verified, MEE6 told me Failed, do you know how to solve it?

I would have no idea, I didn't even know it could fail to be honest. Could you tell me your Discord username so that I can manually verify you?


I tried again today and I found it work! Anyway thanks for your reply!

Deleted 141 days ago

At the bottom right corner, there should be a confirm button.

Deleted 141 days ago

I downloaded the game but it’s not responding and taking forever to load

Sorry to hear, what OS are you using? Windows 7/8/10, Linux, Mac? If the screen is white whenever it's loading it might be related to your hardware unfortunately.

It’s windows 8

Does the screen happen to be white? I'd kindly ask for you to send me a private message on Discord and I could take a more in-depth look at your issue. Apologies.

(2 edits)

yes it is white also what OS is the game compatible with

It should work on Windows 8. Like I said, the main reason for the white screen *most* of the time is because of old hardware. If you're sure this isn't the case then I recommend trying to install the Edge browser as the game relies on that and see if it hopefully works then.


I have to say, so far, this is the best game I have ever played. Very well written and the growth sequence are perfect. But anyway, the content for Nylah ends at the orchid. Could you give us a quick overview of what we will be able to do there? 

Thank you for the kind words!! I don't want to spoil anything but the introduction to that location will be available in the next update, so you'll learn all about my intentions. :)

What is the latest update? :)

You can check out the roadmap on the game's Discord if you'd like to see what it'll be about. :)


when will be the next update?


I'm still working on it! I'm announcing a date once I'm 100% certain.


Pls do this game has insane potential!!! cant wait

Im stuck in the Cell at the start after the first thing with Nylah. What do i do?

If sleeping doesn't do anything I recommend reloading the Aphrodisiac checkpoint and running through it quickly. It appears to still be a bug, apologies!


all fixed! Thankyou


This is one of the best growth/body mod games I've ever seen. The 3d art in particular is spectacular. Really good stuff

Thank you, appreciate your compliment, I try my best! :)

Is the install necessary? I don't like having to scrub lewd games out of my program list on my PC since porn games installed on the lewd half of my PC will show up in the start menu and the programs list on the SFW half of my PC.

(1 edit) (+1)

The install is necessary, unfortunately. I completely understand where you're coming from but uninstalling it should remove all traces that could ever show NSFW. The only thing that remains is save games & text files.

Will there be a Android Version ?

Eventually, yeah. Not anytime soon unfortunately.


(idk how to warn this on, so: SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!!) I just ended playing for the first time, and boy... Thank god i listened to my own sense of hope and didn't dropped as soon as my anxiety seemed unbearable (i reeeeally would've been very pissed if after meeting an deity, the dev didn't gave the mc a chance so win all of that bs). The game is amazing, up until now, and that is being said by someone who doesn't like text based games often (never happened before).  The mechanics of the game are really nice, and not confusing at all.  the content is nice (but i think was kind of short bcs of my own choices).  I have some questions, tho: 1 the ''Cruelty" content is something like direct violence and stuff ? i would like to know if it's referring to friends or foes, bcs if is against my foes i want to get bloody with them for real.  Which takes me to: 2 idk what the dev wants to do with this story, but i really want to hunt each and every single one of that mfs (i already wanted before i knew i would've powers, now i NEED to. I feel like is my duty to help all of the other girls). 3 I would like if there was a path different to Nylah. I mean: i knew she was a victim, even before the flashback. i want to forgive her, but idk if i want to have a romance with her, you know? Anyway, thanks for the attention, this project is very promising, I'll begin supporting it asap. (Sorry for this bible here, btw)


Wow thank you, really appreciate your review! I'm glad you enjoyed what's there so far!

As for your questions, the Cruelty preference is currently only there to allow the body changes to happen without sedation right after the MC takes control.

In regards to Nylah, you do make a good point, but for now it'll just be those two paths. They'll offer plenty of contrast, so to speak. :)

(1 edit)

You're welcome, thanks for the explanation and good luck with the project!


will there be any more giantess content in next update? 


Yes :)

Will it be like giantess crushing the tiny? Preferably a tiny that is like 6 inches tall compared to said giantess?

Specifically that tiny, no. I have a very acquired taste when it comes to Giantess. The former however, is somewhat correct. :)

after playing i got the slut to grow huge like building but then it ended

i came looking for this comment!


Hey there how's the next update going?


It's going alright, been taking it a little bit slower just so I don't get stressed out too much.


Good thing, take care of yourself

Do you know for how long it has been delayed?


Thank you!!
I will publicly announce the date again when I am 100% certain.


Hello New player here first of all just wanted to say a really awesome game you have developed , I had a few questions does the Jade and Renee storyline end for now after the beach? Also will we be able to have muscle growth outside the Nylah dream sequence and also a lot of weight gain and butt expansion later on, and will the story have any kind of corruption storyline in the future for both Renne and Jade aside from the romance storyline? That's all from my side all the best for the next update.


Their story line currently ends after the beach scene, yes. Muscle expansion will only be in limited amounts as it is a side fetish. As for your final question, the "Take advantage" path will be available in the next version. Thank you though, glad you enjoyed! :)

Thanks for the reply!!all the best with developing the game.

Hi! I came across a question about passing the game. I went to Jade's apartment, then went to Renee's beach. And finally I bought a vip for the passage to Nylah. And after all this, I have a question. Is there anything else in the game? Or is it worth waiting for updates?

Heyhey, if you have no more events listed then you've done everything there is to do currently. The next update is planned to come out soon for which you can view the roadmap on the game's Discord. :)




Not at all a fan personally, won't ever be included, sorry!


I really enjoyed this!!!  Is there an estimate on when more features with The Orchard will come?

Thanks, glad you enjoyed!! The next update will have a continuation on that story, although more of an introduction. :)


I loved the game, it was really well made, the story (as far as we can see) was really good, it has everything I was hoping for and more. I hope to see more of it in the future. You've made a marvelous work so far, I wish you the best.

Wow, thank you so much for the kind review! Really glad to hear you enjoyed what's there! Appreciate it! <3

Hi. I stopped at the first chapter after they changed and Renee said to write a message, but it's been a long time and nothing happens in the game

Hey! Have you tried using the phone in-game to send her a message? If that doesn't work, I recommend reloading the latest save. Apologies!

and how do i reload the last save?

If you navigate to the save/load section of the main menu, you can find any saved games you have plus any automatic checkpoints. Though, are you sure you've tried actually sending her a message?

Nothing happens to me after growth. No messages, no calls


Right after growth there's a developer's note that says "You've reached the end of Renee's and Jade's story on this update"

Oh, like the other person said, you might have reached the current end of content for them. I was mixing up another place in the story, but if you've seen them change then that is the end, for now. :)

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

A pretty nice and interactive game with an intriguing story so far honestly, really looking forward to the next update. Though I was just wondering, is it possible to also include muscle growth as one of the main fetishes, cause I mean it would be interesting to also have a storyline with hyper muscles or growth unless of course you're aiming for a softer and explicit approach with your characters by limiting their strengths and focusing more on breast and ass expansion then I would completely understand. But yeah what do you think about it, any possibility or so to speak in adding it?


Thanks for the compliment, glad you enjoyed!

I'm not looking to add any more main fetishes currently since it adds quite a lot of extra work. Also, I'm not quite sure if it's the right approach because I'm personally not that much of a fan of muscle content, which is why it's a side fetish. Hope you understand. :)


That's fine, I completely understand. Guess I was a little too curious that's all but glad to hear your thoughts on it. Whatever you think suits your game best, I'm all in. Plus I can't wait for the next update.  Hope the best for you as well!

Will there be a update in the future to let us choose our own gender instead of just the option for a male protagonist?

Somewhat, but only in one specific path.


Can you also add dick & balls expansion / inflation of the protagonist?


It's not really planned currently, but it might be used in some way later down the line.

The balls expansion/inflation kinda makes sense as the partner for cum inflation tbh

there a version of this that isnt an msi? would much rather have a .zip

(1 edit)

I completely understand, though with the way how I've made the game, it has to install certain things on your system to be able to run. If you're worried for viruses, there's a virustotal link on the download page, and you're always free to make your own. :)


Haven't gotten far yet, but I have to say this looks really interesting so far, keep it up!

Thanks so much, will do! Hope you enjoy the rest of the game. :)


Finished it (so far), and I have to say this is special. I am really intrigued and can't wait to see where this goes. The potential this project has is off the charts, and I wish you nothing but the best for the development of this game.

(I would love if you were able to modify Artemis later in your adventure, but I know thats probably not gonna happen)

Thank you for making this!

Glad to hear, appreciate your comment!!

For your suggestion, I guess you'll find out what happens to her in the next version. :)


Enjoyed the game so far, bit of a bummer it's so unfinished and now I've got to wait but perfection isn't created instantly lol 

Glad you enjoyed, thanks so much! You're very correct, working on it though!


is ther a way to help you with the development? i done some work for other partys bevor and if i say so, quite good in programming.

The technical side of things, I'm not quite sure. I've been doing alright on that end for the most part, but you're always free to reach out to me on Discord. :)

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